UK Government

Companies House Aggregator

What does it do?

Cynare provides a Companies House Aggregator which pulls Companies House records for registered organisations into the CynareLink database

This enables us to return company data, filing deadlines and more, without needing to integrate with internal production systems

Once in the CynareLink database, the information is presented through the Cynare app and used to deliver alerting and exception reporting

It checks internal compliance systems for companies, to ensure they’re up to date and correct

It tracks filing deadlines from Companies House

How is it different?

Cynare can optionally install the Companies House Tracker app, which provides a front-end interface for exploring the data from Companies House and exception-reporting against the Practice Management system

How much does it cost?

Cynare Companies House Aggregator 6,000
Technical implementation (subject to survey) 3,200

What are the benefits?

It confirms that a firm’s records tie in with the Companies House records

It allows the firm to spot errors at Companies House or in their own systems

It notifies the firm if their Client changes anything at Companies House without notifying them

How does it work?

Cynare brings data from Companies House into the CynareLink database for the relevant Client’s Clients

It does this by linking to the Companies House application programming interface (API)

Companies House has limits on the amount of data it can deliver per minute. We deal with this by calling the API in batches, then warehousing the results

What is the technology?


  • App service
  • SQL database


Data aggregator and warehouse


  • PowerShell runs a query every night (as many times as needed for the number of companies being managed)
  • Pulls the data from the Companies House API
  • Puts it into the CynareLink database