Approvals management

What does it do?

CynareGo automates the collection of approvals within your Firm using customisable data-driven workflows

Through a Teams chat bot, Users can quickly and easily request an approval

The approval request will be routed through a hierarchy of approvers tailored to type of approval

Approvers can respond to the request in Teams directly – using whichever way they prefer to access Teams (desktop, mobile or web)

As soon as the approval is granted (or rejected), the requester is notified via Teams

Every action is logged in an audit trail to generate alerts and documentation

Based on CynareLink, CynareGo works with any “open” data source, including all the leading practice management systems and CRMs


How is it used?

CynareGo runs as a chat bot on your Firm’s existing Microsoft infrastructure

Users simply send a message to CynareGo in Teams to start the process 

CynareGo then guides Users through the necessary steps to complete the approval 


Example uses

Audit integrity, objectivity and independence

The FRC’s revised ethical standard for Auditors requires Firms of accountants to communicate details of any proposed non-audit work on audit Clients to the engagement partner/director for consideration before the work is approved

CynareGo makes this easy by providing an approvals workflow which automatically routes the request to the relevant person and enables them quickly to review and approve, reject or request more information

Importantly, the approval workflow is tracked and documented from end-to-end in the background

The information can then be used in your Power BI model and alerting system


Job quality control

A Firm’s quality control checkpoints ensure jobs are carried out to the satisfaction of the manager and ultimately the Client

The challenge is applying these controls consistently, especially in the case where teams are remote or working across offices

CynareGo integrates with your job management/workflow system

Completion of a given task triggers an approval step The approver is prompted to review the work and authorise progression to the next stage

The approval process is

  • quick and easy, to minimise disruption to the flow of work
  • automated, to ensure compliance
  • integrated, to keep the whole team informed

(If you don’t have a workflow system yet, talk to us about CynareFlow)

What are the benefits?

The main benefit is it is quick and easy to use both for the requester and the approver

CynareGo provides a transparent and trackable means of receiving and recording approvals of all kinds

It reduces the risk of non-compliance without getting in the way of completing the job


How is it different?

CynareGo is tailored to the specific requirements of Firms of accountants

CynareLink provides all the relevant information about the Clients and the people working on them

The whole process can be accessed through the universal, familiar and accessible Microsoft Teams app – on any device


How much does it cost?

The cost varies based on your Firm's existing investment in CynareLink, which provides the data underpinning the automation

If you haven’t yet invested in CynareLink, let’s have a conversation

Acknowledgements and links

We make extensive use of the Microsoft technology stack and their latest Graph API

All Cynare solutions are tested for compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines